Roorkee, Uttarakhand India +91-8979900000 Serving your measurement needs for decades

Solution Integrator

Leading Strain Gauge


Displacement Transducers

Dial Type Displacement Transducers

The DG-Series Strain Gauge displacement transducers offer the advantage of direct displacement viewing via a familiar dial gauge pointer. This design allows for simultaneous displacement recording through strain measuring equipment or data acquisition systems, ensuring long-term stability and reliable data.

Ideal for structural displacement measurement and other applications, the DG-Series sensors integrate seamlessly with existing strain measuring equipment, eliminating the need for additional devices. This convenience is particularly valuable when using a strain gauge data logger for both strain and displacement measurements.

Models Range A B C D E F Weight
RDP-10 10 mm 53 65 40.5 33 14.5 4 190g
RDP-20 20 mm 66.5 90 41 33 14.5 5 340g


Parameter / Type RDP-10 RDP-20
Measuring range 10 mm 20 mm
Rated Output (Nominal) 1.5mV / V (3000 µε) ± 0.3%
Spring Force 2.95N 3.89N
Non-Linearity 0.3% RO
Hysteresis 0.1% RO
Sensitivity (x10-6 strain)/mm 300 ± 1% 100 ± 1%
Input/Output Resistance (Nominal) 350 ohms
Allowable temperature range -10 ~ +60°C (no condensation)
Electrical Connection 4 Core PVC shielded cable with circular connector
(Default cable length 10 meters)
Recommended Excitation For
long term measurement
< or = 2VDC
Recommended Excitation For
short term measurement