Borros Type Hydraulic Anchor | For use in soft soils and clays, especially in augered boreholes. Can also be driven directly through soft ground without a borehole being required (please see the Model 1950 data sheet).
Groutable Anchor | The preferred anchor for use in downward-directed boreholes. The preassembled extensometer is installed in the borehole and is then filled with cement grout. These anchors can also be used in upward-directed boreholes with a more complicated grouting procedure.

Hydraulic Anchor | For use in rough boreholes in rock and soft ground, especially if dilations and contractions of the borehole are anticipated. Also useful in upward directed boreholes with or without grouting.
Snap-Ring Anchor¹ | For use in hard or competent rock where smooth uniform boreholes can be drilled. The simplicity of its design allows for quick and easy installation.