Roorkee, Uttarakhand India +91-8979900000 Serving your measurement needs for decades

Solution Integrator

Leading Strain Gauge


Foil Type Strain Gauge

BTM Bolt Strain Gauge Series

These gauges are used for measurement of tensile strain of bolt. They are simply inserted into pre-drilled hole in the bolt with exclusive adhesives. This method is recommendable when an ordinary strain gauges can not be mounted on the bolt surface. Accurate tensile force measurement is possible by calibrating the bolt after installing the bolt gauges.

Gauge lead: polyurethane wire ø0.14, 80 mm
* The cover on the polyurethane wire can be peeled away with a soldering iron, allowing it to be worked later.

Type Gauge
length (mm)
width (mm)
length (mm)
width (mm)
BTM-1C (Φ1.6mm) 1 0.7 5.6 1.4 120
BTM-6C (Φ2mm) 6 1.0 12.0 1.7
BTM-6CTA Temperature-integrated
(-10 to +80℃) (Φ2mm)
6 1.0 12.0 1.7

Each package contains 10 gauges.

The way of adhering a BTM (bolt strain gauge) differs from a general strain gauge, requiring drilling of the bolt, embedding the strain gauge, and load calibration.
Ex. Load calibration specifics (bolt size: M10 × 1.25, L = 65)

Load (kN) 0.0 4.6 9.2 13.8 18.4 23.0 Nonlinearity (%RO) Calibration coefficient (kN/1×10-6)
Indicated strain (×10-6) 0 378 747 1129 1518 1916 1.1 0.0120

[We also embed temperature-integrated BTM (bolt gauge). Contact us for details.]

Type Gauge
length (mm)
center a (mm)
diameter b (mm)
hole diameter (mm)
BTMC-05-D10-003LE 0.5 5 Φ0.9 120 Φ1.0
BTMC-1-D16-003LE 1 5 Φ1.5 120 Φ1.6
BTMC-3-D20-003LE 3 10 Φ1.9 120 Φ2.0

Each package contains 10 gauges.