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Tiltmeters . Pendulums

Tiltmeter (VW)

The Model 6350 Vibrating Wire Tiltmeter is designed to measure tilt in structures such as buildings, dams and embankments, and also for measurements related to the stability of slopes, open pits, and the walls of excavations (e.g. slurry walls). The tiltmeter is permanently attached to the structure to be monitored and can make measurements on horizontal or vertical surfaces.

Standard Ranges¹ ±10°
Resolution ±0.05 mm/m (8 arc seconds)
Accuracy² ±0.1% F.S.
Temperature Range¹ −20°C to +80°C
Length × Diameter 194 × 32 mm (transducer only)

¹Other ranges available on request.
²Established under laboratory conditions.