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Solution Integrator

Leading Strain Gauge




Bridge structures in many countries around the world have used GEOKON sensors for measuring key parameters such as straindisplacement, force, temperatureinclination, alignment and settlement. Sensors are installed permanently for long-term health monitoring, temporarily for load testing and/or to ensure safe working conditions during repair or strengthening. Internet-accessible data acquisition systems ensure that any significant change in the condition or behavior of the structure is logged, reported and efficiently monitored.

Case Histories

Padma Bridge Bangladesh                Courtsey:Geokon

In 2016, The Padma Bridge is a multipurpose road-rail bridge across the Padma River to be constructed in Bangladesh. When completed it will be the largest bridge in Bangladesh and the first fixed river crossing for road traffic. It will connect Louhajong, Munshiganj to Shariatpur and Madaripur, linking the south-west of the country, to northern and eastern regions.


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